Editing the post you can modify your own content to be published or define an external resource (URL) in 1 or N options depending on the languages to be published.  In addition to the cover image, you can also modify the  release date and change the status of the Post.

Other attributes for a Post are its visibility at user or team level and its location in the App:

Right after selecting the game, go to Posts tab and select the post by clicking at any row level. 

1. Settings

1.1 Here you can enable the post to be shown either on the Feed, Collections, set an image and schedule when you want users to start seeing the post on their app


  • Scheduled : Will be published on the date indicated
  • Draft: Not visible at the App level.

  • Published: Already visible according to user security and in the indicated container.

1.2 Set the language for the post and set the body text you want users to see (this can be done by either setting the text manually or through an URL) and see the result on the app screen directly 

2. Automatic challenges

Here you will se if there are challenges linked to the post, we use to do that as users must read the content post and anser the challenges straight away which makes the results to be better 

3. Users, Teams 

Here you will see if there are users and teams inside the post, id there are, that means they will be able to see the posts on their apps. 

4. Collections

Collections are usefull for users to be able to see the posts on this option forever. If they need to check some content, they will always have it on their app