Here you will see how the Scorecard lets you monitor analyze your game. 

Under the Analysis tab, choose Scorecard

Once you click on it, on the top part of the Scorecard, you will see the following: 

Descriptions follow below for each field: 

Date: Atrivity displays today's date here for upcoming games and active games. For past games, Atrivity displays the last day of the game. You can change the date here to indicate the date range for the analytical charts. 

Add teams: You can filter by one or more teams to evaluate the performance of a specific team or compare results from several teams.


Add users: You can filter by one or more users to evaluate the performance of a specific user or compare results from several users.

After selecting the game or changing any of the filters, click the Refresh button to update the scorecard with the information you have selected. 

Summary: A general view of the game

Packing loads of info into a simple view, our Summary offers great statistics that helps you see results from your game. Detailed descriptions of each item follow below the screenshot.

1. Game status:

  • 3 possible settings*:
    • Game not started
    • Number of days remaining in the game 
    • Game finished
  • Start date: Date and time
  • End date: Date and time

* These settings are displayed for Remote and Live games (competitive games). For automated games such as Onboarding games, where there isn't an end date. we can also see "Game in progress!".

2. Users

  • Active: Total number of players invited to the game 
  • Registered: Players registered in the app 
  • Registered in the game: Players who clicked the game icon and entered the game 
  • With Activity: Players who completed at least one challenge or training in the game

3. Additional statistics 

  • Education time: Amount of time players spent playing the game measured in minutes
  • Challenges: Number of challenges completed by players
  • Trainings: Number of trainings completed by players
  • Peak activity hour: Hourly* time period when most game activity occurred
  • Challenges/ Education time/ Questions per player: Average number of challenges completed, education time and questions answered by each player
  • Times content reviewed (found in Game aggregate only): Average number of times players reviewed all questions in your game.

* For Live Games, Atrivity measures results in 5-minute periods

 3.1 Engagement: 

  • Measures participation depending on days users played the game


  • Knowledge level: correct answer rate based on all questions in the game.
  • % Valid answers: correct answer rate based on any question asked during a specific day.
  • Avg. answer time: used to help you understand whether players had enough time to answer the questions.


For games with a duration under 2 hours, charts will show data at 5-minute intervals. Otherwise, charts will show data at daily intervals.

  • Knowledge level

This statistic is very interesting, especially when analyzing players individually. It reveals the correct answer rate based how much players know about the game content. Within Game ranking, which reveals knowledge level on an individual based, you can observe what knowledge level players start with and how they end the game. 

Example: Let's say you have 200 questions in your game. A player successfully reviews all questions in the game, and they end up answering 140 questions correctly. This means their general knowledge level of the materials is 70% (140 correctly answered questions divided by 200 questions in the game). 

Knowledge level typically increases over time as players understand the material better and learn from their mistakes.

IMPORTANT: Due to differences in game activity among all players, where some players complete more challenges than others, global results are not the best metric to ascertain knowledge for all players. 

  • % Valid answers

Valid answer rate contemplates the daily correct answer rate. Unlike knowledge level, which considers the correct answer rate based on all content in the game, the valid answer rate takes into consideration the questions appearing each day in the game and whether players answer them correctly. 

In the example above, if 1,000 questions hypothetically appear in Atrivity on Day 2, and players answer 730 of them correctly, Atrivity yields a correct answer rate of 73%

  • Challenges

This chart indicates the number of completed challenges in daily or hourly intervals, depending on the game format. It also offers a great opportunity to see game activity throughout the game, see which days experience peaks and analyze ways to increase play by players within Atrivity. 

In this example, Day 2 experienced the highest activity with 754 challenges launched and completed during the game. Do you see 21 challenges on the last day? It's normal! Players cannot launch any challenges that day, and they can only answer those launched previously.

  • Activity


The Acitivity graphic, which is applicable to all game formats except for Live g Games, shows us player activity in hourly increments. You can observe the most popular hours when people play the game on a global basis (blue bars) and daily basis (yellow line). 

In the example shown above, 10.00pm was the most popular time to play the game, 

You can also delete either option to see daily or game metrics, just seeing game parameters.