Onboarding games feature a report called “Game progress” that shows progress with enrollment and responses by players to challenges in the game.  

  1. You need to make sure you are on the right onboarding (pathway) game
  2. Afterwards, go to the Analysis tab on the left side menu.

Within the Analysis tab, there are:

  • Rankings

Which is the user and team position within the overall colleagues

  • Follow-up

Displays individual data by player to understand more about their participation and performance in the game with the following data:

  1. Start date: First date and time when user entered the game
  2. Last action date: Last date and time when user entered the game
  3. Games completed: Shows all ganes completed by the user
  4. Current game
  5. % progress: Shows number of challenges launched as a % based on all scheduled challenges
  6. Knowledge level: Shows initial, final and evolution knowledge
  7. Training time (minutes): Shows amount of time each player spent playing the game
  8. Challenges answered: Shows all challenges the user answered up until now
  9. % Challenges over sent: Show all challenges scheduled in the system to send to players during the game
  10. % Challenges over planned: Shows the correct answer rate as a % for each player responding to questions shown during the game


Knowledge table and user deep knowledge information based on the categories. 


Overall data per game within the main game. There is an option to filter by game status and download the table information to an excel