When creating a game, you can create one from scratch or make a copy of an existing game. All you need to do is select the icon "clone"  next to the been icon on the bottom right side. This option allows you to create the same type of game (Standard, Onboarding, etc.) and reuse the same elements and game settings. Questions, players, teams, awards, notifications, automated challenges and/or monitors will appear in your new game.

Once you select this option, Atrivity will display a new screen indicating Add Game with several options selected. 

  • Name of the game: choose a name for the new game we are creating.
  • Start date: this information is essential if we want to reschedule all notifications and automated challenges set up in the previous game.
  • Copy options:
    • Awards: copies awards as well as positioning for each one.
    • Users: players assigned to the new games without changing any of their user data.
    • Teams: teams assigned to the new game without changing any team information.
    • Questions: questions assigned to a new game along with the same categories, scoring type (simple, double, triple), or any other characteristic related to the question.
    • Messages/posts: Those are rescheduled based on the new start date and time; Atrivity automatically loads the same communication plan, scheduling each notification accordingly based on the revised date and time, and sets their status to Draft (which prevents them from being sent to players). If you do not enter a start date, notifications will be copied into your game without changing the schedule from your previous one. Notifications with a date set according to the moment a player enters the game will maintain the same schedule.
    • Automated challenges: Notifications are scheduled based on the new game start date Adding this information adjusts the scheduling for automated challenges automatically in your new game. Automated challenges will have the status Draft (which prevents them from being sent accidentally to players). If you do not choose a start date, automated challenges will copy without any changes to the dates from the previous game. Notifications with a date set according to the moment a player enters the game will maintain the same schedule.
    • Monitors: Atrivity copies the previous game monitor and changes the public link (if used) for your new game. You can share this new link with your game coordinators.

Once you create your new game, click the configuration button and make as many adjustments as necessary such as rescheduling notifications for automated challenges, adding or removing users from your game, changing awards, etc.

Rescheduling Notifications - Example

Here is an example of how you can reschedule notifications. You can carry out the same process on automated challenges.

Previous game

The game messages were scheduled and sent on the dates below, therefore all their status is Done.

New game

Now, as the game has been cloned, so have its messages. Timeframe for all of these three shown below is the same as the original game, therefore, their status is draft but now can be changed.