When playing a Live Game, the monitor is used to project the ranking and activity of the game in real time. Please click here to see how to create a Live Game Monitor.

Launch monitor:

Click here to launch the monitor. The screen will be shown in the same language you are managing the web environment.

A new screen will be apearing on the browser showing the monitor. This screen must be opened during the whole game so you can see all the challenges and players rankings movements during the game.


1. Game Status: 

  • Not started: before the start date.
  • Game in progress: active game with new challenges
  • Game about to finish: no new challenges allowed
  • Game over: after the end of the game
  • Time: when the game is active, countdown before the end of the game.

2. Challenges Status:

  • Launched challenges: each challenge will be shown as 2 (sender and opponent).
  • Pending challenges: challenges to be completed.

3. Ranking

  • Player ranking with provisional points. The page refreshes every 5 seconds. An animation is shown with changes in positions.

4. Live Challenge

  • Shows Activity between pairs of players. Type of challenge (training, simple, double, triple, 5-10%), names, points won during the challenge, points finally assigned and winner in green.


  • If the monitor is launched from the web environment, the monitor will be shown in the same language.
  • If we used the public link, the monitor will be launched in the same language as our browser.