This article describes the process of creating a multi-language game, which includes the following elements:

  • Environment
  • Game
  • Questions
  • Players
  • Communications
  • Challenges


Available languages

The first step is to allow multiple languages in the environment. To do this, use the options in the Available languages section of the Language Options tab. It is important to select the default language correctly, since in any element of the game we will have to create a version in this default language and, optionally, in other languages.

Translations (Self-register mail )

On Environment tier, the different translations of the messages sent to the user when registering via a website are also defined.


Language options

The game supports the setting of various elements in different languages. All of these can be customized in the section  Language options.



Two different languages can be specified when importing players:

  • App language: language in which the app will be displayed, i.e. all texts and messages that are part of the app.
  • Content language: texts related to questions and communications, which do not correspond to the Atrivity app but to the materials delivered by the content creators.
  • The words referred to each language should be in english , e.g. Spanish, French



To load questions in multiple languages, there are several considerations to take into account:

  1. In the import Excel, add a "Language" column in which the language of each question is specified. This language must be indicated in English and must have been previously registered in the environment.
  2. To incorporate the same question in multiple languages, multiple records with the same Question Code must be added so that the system interprets them as versions of the same question.
  3. The default language version of the question must be loaded first. The system will report an error if an attempt is made to load a question in an alternative language when the default language version does not exist.


The display of the content in the web management environment prioritises the default language. Watching a single question, the question will be displayed in the default language at the top and the other additional language versions below


To manually edit the Question and answers texts a question, we must reflect the changes in the default version and in each language version of the drop-down list (Available translations)

To change some general data about time, score , it just needs one only change on Question settings


When creating any Communication, whether Message or Post, both for the subject and for the body of the message, there is the possibility of adding different versions of the communication by language. The configuration of the communication (filters and programming) is common to all versions.

By creating different language-customised communications, each player receives messages in his or her own language.

Automatic challenges

In the automatic challenge settings there is the option to define the challenge message that players will receive in multiple languages. To do this, simply use the plus rounded button to add different versions by language.