With Atrivity, you can upload multiple questions from an Excel spreadsheet. If you want to perform this task without entering them manually into the platform, you must satisfy the following requirements in the Excel spreadsheet that contains the question information. If you want to access the tutorial that explains how to import questions into your Atrivity game, click here.


Column A - Question

Enter all questions here that you want to upload into your game. Remember that question text has a 140-character limit (including spaces). 

Column B - ctrl1

If the question in Column A exceeds the 140-character limit, this column will indicate the number of characters. 

Column C - Valid answer

Use this column to add the correct answer to your questions. Answer text has a 70-character limit (including spaces).

Column D - ctrl2

If the Valid answer in Column C exceeds the 70-character limit, a number will appear in the cell with the actual number of characters. 

Column E - Answer 2

Use this column to add the incorrect answer to questions in the same row. Answer text has a 70-character limit (including spaces).

Column F - ctrl3

If Alternative answer 1 in Column E exceeds the 70-character limit, a number will appear in the cell with the actual number of characters. 

Column G - Answer 3

Use this column to add the incorrect answer to questions in the same row. Answer text has a 70-character limit (including spaces).

Column H - ctrl4

If Alternative answer 2 in Column G exceeds the 70-character limit, a number will appear in the cell with the actual number of characters.

Column I - Language

You can ignore this column if your game only has one language. Otherwise, you can enter the language name or ISO code (Español or ES, English or EN, Français or FR, etc.). Remember that Atrivity offers multi-language and multi-region support. You can run the same game at the same time in different languages and places around the world. Players will see questions in their preferred language and the game will start and end at the same time, regardless of wherever players are located in the world. 

Column J - Question code

The question code uniquely identifies questions in Atrivity. Each question must have a unique code. Otherwise, when you upload questions with the same code, Atrivity will update the questions and you will lose information from the replaced question. Use a naming convention that will help you distinguish them (ex: jul17_001, jul17_002, etc., or mkt_001, corp_001, productX_001, etc.).

Column K - Scoring type

Remember the system lets you configure the value for each correctly answered question. At the same time, you can place emphasis on certain questions by offering double or triple scoring for them. If you want all questions to have the same score, you can omit this column (recommended for the first game). Otherwise, value 0: do not score for time; 1: simple scoring; 2: double scoring; 3: triple scoring). Before the question appears, you will receive a notification indicating x2 (double) or x3 (triple) scoring. 

Column L - Categories

Atrivity permits identifying question content by categories and subcategories. Categories act as tags and each question can have one or multiple tags. You must use commas to separate them (ex: ProductX, Technical Knowledge). This information is essential for analysis after the game. It helps with understanding the most failed categories and lets you make changes to the questions or consider them for future games.

Column M - Short help text

If you want add each question , a short explanation about the correct/wrong answers or about the question's subject 

Column N - ctrl5

If Short hep text  in Column M exceeds the 500-character limit, a number will appear in the cell with the actual number of characters.

Optional add Column O - Help URL

If you want each question at the end of a challenge to redirect to a resource with more information, include URL of the document (https://.../doc.pdf, https://.../video.mp4, etc.).