This article will show you how to import questions from an Excel file and optionally upload images.

For a 5-days game we recommend between 180 and 250 questions.

For a 30-minutes live game we can use between 40 to 50 questions.

1. Make sure your excel file is good to go!

The Excel file format should be:

  • Question (max 200 characters)
  • Valid answer (max 100 characters)
  • Alternative answer 1 (max 100 characters)
  • Alternative answer 2 (max 100 characters)
  • Question code (identifies uniquely the question in the system and allows us to associate images to it)
  • Category: classifies and divides questions into topics for further analysis.

NOTE: You will see that the file has has extra columns called "Ctrl 1", "Ctrl 2", etc. They will tell you if you have exceeded the maximum number of characters for each field.

You will find the file attached to this article!

2. Select your game

After you have created your game, select it by clicking on the configuration button on the right side.

3. Under the questions tab, click here to import the file:

4. Choose file

Choose a local file from your computer and click on Load file.

5. Select worksheet

Select the Excel worksheet of your questions in the drop down. Make sure you name it without spaces. The system will recognize the required fields from the Excel columns if names are the same.


Click on Import to upload the questions to your game.

6. Questions imported!

The questions have been loaded and assigned to your game.

The Question code is unique. If a question code doesn't exist, the question will be created. If the question code already exists, the question will be updated.

7. Import images to your questions

You can also add images to the questions. Size should be 200 kbs max. Choose directly from the folder or select them and drag and drop.

The file name must be the same as the Question code.