To import the questions into the system, we must perform a similar process to importing teams/players. On the questions tab blelow click on import.

1. Select the template file (.xlsx) from your file explorer containing the questions.

2. Load file. When loading the file, the system recognizes the first sheet as valid. It is possible to modify it in the next step.

It is needed to indicate on which worksheet the question information is to be found and here we will assign the name of the Excel column with the information to load for each question. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. The template for loading questions has the same names as the fields required by the system, so it detects them automatically. It is always important to validate that the fields we are uploading to the system are the ones we really want to include.

5. When you click on Send, you will receive a message detailing how many new questions have been created and how many have been updated.

When the process is done then a message will show the results:

If you want to include images for the questions, use the Import Image button, and is possible to drag or select the files. The name of the images must always match the question code. : E.G. if  Question Code is Br_feed_92, the associated image file should be renamed as Br_feed_92.jpg drag it to the dotted rectangle or select it in the file explorer: 


If several questions must be uploaded with an associated image,  then the solution is to zip all the image files in a single archive and upload it in the same way.