Notifications and messages sent by the system are a key tool of Atrivity. In addition to communicating the start of the game, its rules and instructions, they also help to ensure the successful participation of the players. 


It is possible to track each notification sent and know who receives the communication and at what time. We can also determine the audience to which it will be sent, filtering by their level of registration in Atrivity or also by their level of participation when the game is already in progress.

1. Message's name. As this is the field that we will see from the message board, we suggest describing the message as much as possible to avoid misunderstandings (e.g. Start of game for all users).

2. Type of message: if the message is via email or via app.

3. If this button is selected, the message will also be sent via the app (only for email messages). 

4. Enable tracking: this button must be selected to track sent messages. (only for email notifications) 

5.Message status

    a) Draft. The message is saved, can be edited but will not be sent to players.

    b) Scheduled. The message is scheduled, either for the specific date defined (11.) or as of the entry into the game (13.).

    c) Sending in progress. The message is being sent to the players

    d) Sending completed. The message has been sent to the players.

    e) Sending failed. The message has failed to be sent. 

6. Date and time of sending

7. Filters on the recipients to be sent

  • Players registered in App: 

    a) all, sends the message to all players associated with the game.

    b) only NOT registered in app, the message is sent only to players who are not registered in the app.

    c) only registered in app, in this configuration, only those players registered in the app will receive the message.

  •  Players registered in the game: 

    a) all, sends the message to all players associated with the game

    b) only NOT registered in the game, the message is sent only to players who have not registered in the game

  •  Only registered in the game, in this configuration, only those players registered in the game will receive the message.

This cell is used when we want to communicate during the game to users who have not had much participation, so if we put a number, it will be sent to those who have had less challenges than that number.

The position, refers to the position in the ranking, and it is possible to configure it for position greater than, equal to or less than.


Este apartado campos se ha de editar tantas veces como idiomas diferentes queramos usar en la comunicación 

8. Language selected, each selection will have a separate Subject and Body and the general settings apply to all.

9. Available parameters that can be used in both the subject and body,

10. Subject of the message

11. Message body text 

On the notifications section we find the parameters to personalise the messages sent.


With the basic settings of the message are ready, we can add translations for the subject and body in other languages, so that each player receives the message in her o his  language

There is the choice of copy a first language as template and then overwrite with the new language, very useful to keep the images and the structure.

Available parameters

This parameters are dynamic fields, which need to be  delimited between the brackets "{}". They allow customize the subject and and the messages giving specific details of the learning activity.

{User.FirstName}: User first name
{User.LastName}: User last name
{User.UserLogin}: User login

In addition, when a game is selected:
{Game}: Name of the game
{User.Position}: Ranking position
{User.Score}: Points
{User.NumChallenges}: Finished challenges
{User.NumTrainings}: Trainings
{User.Questions}: Answered questions
{User.PctAnswersOK}: % Correct answers
{User.PctWon}: % won challenges