Ensuring high-quality translations is essential for maintaining consistency and accuracy across different languages. The Reviewer Role feature in Atrivity allows organizations to delegate translation reviews to dedicated users, ensuring that translations meet the required standards before being published.
Why use the Reviewer Role?
- Assign specific users to review translations.
- Distribute translation review tasks among multiple team members based on language expertise.
- Improve translation accuracy and consistency across your content.
- Reduce manual corrections in later stages.
How it works
1. Set up Reviewers
- Designate users as Reviewers in their profile settings.
- Assign languages to each reviewer, specifying which translations they will oversee.
2. Assign Reviewers to translation jobs
- Edit the translation job and navigate to the Reviewers section..
- Add users reviewers.
- Reviewers will only have access to the languages assigned to them.
3. Review translations
- Once a translation job is completed, reviewers can access the pending translations.
- They can adjust the translations and set them as reviewed.
4. Publish
- Once translations are reviewed, the game masters publish them.
- The published translations are then ready to be published and used in the game.
Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide:.
Best Practices for Reviewers
Focus on terminology consistency, especially for key terms.
Cross-check translations with glossary terms to ensure accuracy.
Communicate with the team if clarification is needed on specific phrases.
By using the Reviewer Role feature, you can streamline the translation review process, ensuring high-quality translations across multiple languages while reducing manual effort.