When translating content automatically, certain words or phrases may not be translated as expected. To ensure consistency and accuracy, you can create glossary terms in Atrivity. These terms help the translation system recognize and translate key words correctly, avoiding unintended changes.

Why Use Glossary Terms?

  • Ensure key terms, product names, or industry-specific words are translated consistently.
  • Prevent certain words from being translated if they should remain the same.
  • Improve translation quality and reduce the need for manual corrections.

How to Create Glossary Terms

Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide.

Review and Adjust Glossary Terms 

  • After setting up glossary terms, they will automatically be used in new translation jobs.
  • Review your translations to ensure the glossary terms are applied correctly.
  • Edit or update the glossary as needed to refine translations over time.