- Game Logo :
Recommendation 200Kb
The resolution is not hard to set, but the logo must be 150px wide (the height as it fits the original aspect ratio) and the background must fit a monitor, thus, any 16:9 resolution will do. To avoid low resolution it is recommended to use 1920x1080 or 1600x900, although 1280x720 might look good too.
- Game Background screen:
Recommendation 200Kb - 500kb max.
Up to 4 images can be used to generate the 3 backgrounds that Atrivity allows:
- Home screen
- Game list screen
- In-game navigation
- Running a challenge
The format of the screens must be 16:9 (1920x1080, 1600x900 or 1280x720) for smartphone optimisation, or 4:3 (900x1200) for tablet optimisation.
- Questions/Answers:
200Kb max.
Jpg format recommended , but others can be used as well .gif for instance.
- Cover Post:
Recommended 200Kb - until 1 Mb
The ideal size is 600 pixels width x 480 pixels high.
- Players Avatars:
Recommendation 200Kb
Avatars with 200x200 is enough. Maybe 400x400 is recommended to look perfect from PC but not necessary.
Supported formats are .gif, .jpg, .bmp or .png.