The Atrivity platform includes a new element in the solution to organize learning content. It is the concept of Collection that will group within its environment the communications of type Post.  The collection is like a bucket where you can store diferent posts and give all them the same properties and permissions. 

Once you have selected the environment, go to Collections tab

You can define several collections per environment and assign them a display order selecting the row and scrolling it down or app depending on the desired order.

The main function of a collection is a container of Posts, they support a cover image, a public access attribute and its options according to language for the name.

  • Public Access: Allows to give visibility to the collection to all users of the environment if the checkbox is marked, it is also possible to configure a limited visibility, see more detail in "Visibility of Collections and Posts".

In order the edit a collection, select the one you want to edit and you will find this following screen:

1- Settings: Enable or disable public access

1.1- Set translations language for them

2- See which users will be able to the this contents

4- See which teams will be able to the this contents 

Inside every collection, you will find its contents:

After selecting the content edit icon, you will see the main tabs for it:

Settings: You can rename the post, enable the content to be shown either in feed and collections, set an image and schedule whenever you want this content to be seen for everyone

Automatic challenges: See if there are any challenges linked to the content

Users: Users who will see the content

Teams: Teams whom will see the content

Collections: See on which collection this content appears

Tracking: See users activity on the content (who have seen it)