An onboarding game aims for successful integration of new employees into a company. These types of games do not begin or end on specific days and remain open for any player invited by the game administrator to the game.

Onboarding game creation follows this process:

  • Game creation

  • Welcome page setup

  • Invitation message creation
  • Notification scheduling

  • Automatic challenge scheduling

Game creation

You can use the same procedure to add a new game to your environment when creating an onboarding game. On the next screen, select “Onboarding” as your type of game after you enter a name.

Welcome page configuration

Onboarding games let you design a welcome page that players will see when they access the game for the first time. The game does not actually start until the player clicks Accept on this screen. This means: 1) Player will select the game from the catalog with available games, 2) Welcome message will display and player agrees to play by clicking “Start”, 3) Game screen will then display and the player can start playing.

You can find the welcome message in the "language options tab” section within basic game setup. Design this message just like other game notifications (using the HTML visual editor). You can also embed a video so that players understand more about the game content and objectives in a much more visual way. 

Invitation to play a game

You can use a message to invite new players to your game. While essential for onboarding games, you can use this invitation for any type of game. We are still on language options section of the basic game setup contains the invitation message. You can design it just like other game notifications (using the HTML visual editor).

Automatic challenge scheduling

Scheduling automatic challenges for an onboarding game follows the exact same process as other games. However, you can set a specific schedule for each player right after they start playing the game.

The system now offers two different date configuration options:

  • Specific date: follows the current process by choosing specific dates and times to send the notifications.
  • After joining the game: set how many days should pass after the player enters the game to send the challenges. This number could also be 0. Alternatively, you can set a specific time of the day after N days pass when to send the challenges.

Moreover, you can link the challenge with an exact comunication. That means, that when the comunication is sent, the challenge will appear on users app.

Take into account, that when the challenge in on draft status, is not going to appear on the users app although the current time and hour has already passed by. Thus, the challenge will take place only with status Scheduled. 

You can also set the challenge either to start in one specific timeframe (specific date) or set a relative date (from the entry into the game)

Progress report

The onboarding games bring a new progress report to perform the subsequent analysis of the game. To learn more about the onboarding progress report: read more.