Usually when users log into the app for the first time, they must choose an avatar from our default options or upload their own from an image on their mobile device. However, some game masters prefer using specific images as avatars for each player, especially for those games with a theme (sports, celebrities, historical figures, etc.). In these cases, please follow the steps below to successfully integrate themed avatars into your game:

  1.  Ensure each avatar is under 200k and features the same name as the Alias for your player.
    • For a player with the Alias John Doe, name the corresponding avatar John Doe.jpg
  2. Rename all files accordingly and place them in the same folder on your computer
  3. Log into the Atrivity Web Portal and go to user list
  4. Click the Import images button

5. Open the Windows folder containing the avatars you renamed

6. Select all files and drop the avatars into the dotted box and Atrivity will associate those images with their user profiles

Then the users will get the avatars files as profile images

If any conflicts occurred, a message will appear indicating  "Not found:" 

In this case, review your avatars and make any modifications to the file name as needed to match the Alias with the JPG name