If you have an Atrivity subscription, and you have already created and managed a game using Atrivity, you know perfectly well that your game’s success depends on participation from players. There are several ways to encourage participants to play: notifications, e-mails, bulletins, etc.

To keep engaged the users is easy with auto-challenges launched by a bot. Launching automated challenges from the app is an extremely useful option and is also used in automatic games in which players cannot challenge themselves. Either a dummy player or a specific player can launch the automated challenge. The best thing is that it features the same settings as other challenges in the game. However,

automated challenges let you do a lot more. You can select certain questions to send to all players or help them become familiar with the game.

If you want to create an automated challenge, please follow these steps:

  • Create a generic user who will launch the automated challenge

  • Click Configuration next to your Game in the Games view

  • Add automated challenge

  • You will see the automated challenge settings

  • Set the User you want to launch the automated challenge

  • Define which questions will appear in the automated challenge (optional)
    IMPORTANT: If you choose to manually select the questions for your automated challenge, you must select the same amount of questions that you have configured per challenge under the "General configuration" session in the game configuration. If don't choose any it will be picked randomly. 

  • Create a message for your automated challenge

Create a generic user who will launch the challenge

You should create a generic user or assign a specific user who will challenge the other players. If you want to create a generic user, click here. After creating the user, you must ensure the Not included in statistics box is checked in their profile.

Go to Configuration

You must click Configuration next to your game to set the automated challenges.

Add automatic challenge

Automated challenge settings

Within this tab, you can define the challenge description, number of challenges, which type of user should receive it, whether to send the challenge on a specific date and time (remote games) or right after the user registers to play the game (only available for onboarding, continuous and permanent games). It also contains the automated challenge status. There are 5 possibilities: Draft, Scheduled, In Progress, Done or Failed. You can also indicate the challenger and define the correct answer rate percentage or number of points. 

Explanations of each element follow below.

  • Description - Reference title for the automated challenge
  • Challenges - Number of challenges launched to players
  • Date - Date and time when Atrivity will send the automated challenge(s)
  • Status – Automated challenge status (either Draft or Scheduled). If you set the automated challenge status to Draft, Atrivity will save its settings without launching it to players. You must change the status to Scheduled to launch the automated challenge. Atrivity will send the automated challenge on the date and time indicated in this field.
  • Only users registered in App - Selecting this option means that only active users in the app will receive the automated challenge.
  • Take into account ONLY the questions answered by the opponent to generate the questions - Atrivity will display questions based on analyzing what both players already received during the game.


Here a bot player should be input and a value between 0 and 99 in the % valid answers field. Since this number represents a percentage, you should consider the maximum number of points a player could obtain for each correct answer and bonus points they may earn for speed. Atrivity will determine the challenger's score based on this amount in the automated challenge, and the opponent must exceed this score to win the challenge. We recommend using 30% in this field. You can also define a specific score for the challenge in the Points field.

Automated challenge questions

You can select questions in the following tab. Otherwise, Atrivity will use all questions assigned to your game.

IMPORTANT: If you select questions, you must ensure the number of questions selected matches the number of questions configured for a challenge. You can find this information in the General set up section of your game. If the number of questions per challenge indicates “7,” you must select 7 questions for the automated challenge. Players will not receive the automated challenge if there is a discrepancy.


The user whom will get the challenges in her or his Inbox , they could the whole players group joined to the game or a partial group


Short message to share in every  challenge  

Use N to generate a sequential number for each challenge. For example, "Atrivity game challenge N".

At this point, if the status of your automatic challenge indicates "Scheduled", it will be launched at the scheduled date and time. However, if you want to launch the automatic challenge right away, click on the "Play" button. The status will then indicate "Done" and the date of execution will be saved.

If everything is correct and after saving the challenge, the automatic challenge will be configured with the defined parameters.