Publishing a Post consists of associating a date and a game to a documentation, in order to share it on the Atrivity platform. This way it can be used as learning material or simply as a corporate disclosure.

On menu Contents > Posts > New Post  , se puede definir la comunicaciĆ³n a publicar. 

Los datos base a informar son:

  • Post Title-ID  (Invisible on the post)
  • Cover image *Highly recommended 
  • Send a push notification to each user (1)
  • Show in Feed (2)
  • Show in Collections *Mandatory at least Feed or Collections (3)
  • Status (4)
  • Post Date - hour (5)
  • Content (one par language):
    • Subject (6)
    • Short description -when URL (7)
    • Main contenido, choice one of these:
      • Body: Rich text even images, symbols and tables.(8)
      • URL of any web: Location web of  learning material , it could be a classical HTML Web, a PDF file , a video or  slides content allocated always on-line.(9)

Even you can see the preview in a device screen while you are designing the post :