With Atrivity, you can upload multiple players and teams from an Excel spreadsheet. If you want to perform this task without having to manually entering each player into the platform, your Excel spreadsheet with the player information should satisfy certain requirements. If you want to access the tutorial that explains how to import users into your Atrivity game, please click here.


The players template (Players Atrivity v0) contains a tab specifically for team creation. Before you import players into your game, you must create the teams. Otherwise, you will receive an error message because the system will not find the teams and associate them with your players.

Main Columns fields

Column A - Alias

Player’s name in the app. We recommend using the First Name and Last Name of the player. The Alias field has a 30-character limit and each player must have a unique name.

Column B - Login

This field must be an e-mail address. Players will use the e-mail address to log into the app and receive communications.

Column C - Name

Although it does not appear in the app, you can use it in all communications with players.

Column D - Last name

Although it does not appear in the app, you can use it in all communications with players.

Column E - Password

We recommend setting the same password for all players so they can easily access the app. Players can later change their password in the app.

Column F - Change password

When players access Atrivity for the first time, you can force them to change their password. Recommended only when security rules and recommendations exist in the game. Include this column with the value “yes” for all records if you want this setting.

If the users will be grouped by Teams:

Column G - Teams

Create teams in your game first before importing players. Our template now includes a Teams tab so that you can easily import the list of teams before importing players.

Reset teams

If you want to change the teams your players belong to in your game, add this column to the template with the value “yes” for all records.

Optional data to load per user

App language

If you work with multiple languages, you can specify the app language for a player. Use the language name or ISO code (Español or ES, English or EN, etc.).

Content language

If you work with multiple languages, you can specify a language for the content players will receive (questions, notifications, etc.). Use the language name or ISO code (Español or ES, English or EN, etc.).


If you want to add a photo to your players’ profile, use the Alias name as the title and make sure the format is JPG (<Alias>.jpg). Respecting accents, spaces, etc., is very important so that Atrivity can associate the photo with the player correctly.

The image size cannot exceed 50 kbs.